Where do our dues go

The Women of TBE support a great many projects and events as well as contributing to a great many social action projects for the Temple and community, nationally and internationally.

The basic dues level– Bronze– is $54.

$25 of each member’s dues support WRJ on the District and National levels, including YES* Fund donations. We did create a structure that provided an opportunity to give more– either $72, $108, $144– or really there is no top limit. Donations above the Bronze level allow for more temple and community participation and support.

Here, at a very high level, is where our dues goes- per member. It shows why we need our higher pledges and our fundraising.

Inside TBE
*Jean Perlman Fund (for Religious School) $10
*Campership (Reform Jewish overnight camp) $13
*AARTY/Advisor $13
*Gift to Temple $10
For our membership
*Opening Reception $4
*DAMES $10
Outside TBE
WRJ National dues $18
WRJ District dues $2
WRJ YES Fund $5
Mazon $1.25
WUPJ (World Union for Progressive Judaism) $1.25
Tsur Hadassah (sister congregation in Israel) $1.25
We are giving/ donating approximately $90+ per member
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* these are estimated per member costs, so depends on number of members we have and does not take into account some of our lesser projects and donations. It also doesn’t include cost of Break-the-Fast which comes out of New Year’s Card donations.

Fundraising helps us make up the numbers to let us support the various commitments we make to our members, temple, community, district and WRJ.

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